Covering dark under eye circles
You probably already know the problem with covering up your dark under eye circles - too often the make up will cake and/or look obvious - which doesn't help when you're trying to conceal your dark circles. We've spoken to a make up artist who had the following tips for covering dark under eye circles.
Match your concealer to your circles
This tip involves choosing a concealer specifically designed to cover YOUR dark circles. If your dark circles tend to be blue, grey or purple in color, then you should choose a yellow concealer. If your circles are red, choose an olive-based concealer as the green tones will help diminish the redness. If your circles are brownish, choose a blue or mauve based concealer.
Blend your make up
You have two choices when it comes to applying your concealer and foundation. If you use a thinker foundation, use a small amount of concealer OVER your foundation and blend with a cosmetic wedge. This will keep the make up under your eyes from clumping. If you use a thin or sheer foundation, apply the concealer UNDER your foundation and blend well. Don't use powder under your eyes as this can accentuate puffiness.
Other tips for dark circles
If you use too much concealer to try to hide your dark circles, you'll wind up making them more obvious. So remember to keep a light touch.
Don't use mascara on your bottom lashes, because the flakes of mascara that frequently fall from the bottom lashes well make your dark circles look darker.
Remember that your health has a great influence on what you look like, so if you think your dark circles may be improved by poor lifestyle choices or nutritional deficiencies, by all means make a change!
Be proactive with your dark circles by getting rid of them for good with a dark circle eye cream.